WI: Investigation into alleged circulation of child porn among students

Source: TMJ4 News

A search warrant says a Nicolet High School student told a school resource officer two weeks ago that, “A video depicting two other Nicolet students engaging in sexual acts had been posted online.”

GLENDALE, Wis. — Glendale police are investigating alleged child pornography being circulated among students at Nicolet High School.

A search warrant says a Nicolet High School student told a school resource officer two weeks ago that, “A video depicting two other Nicolet students engaging in sexual acts had been posted online via Instagram.”

Court documents show the student accused of sharing the video was arrested for alleged possession of child pornography.

According to the search warrant, the teen also “sent these videos and photographs to several other people via text message.”

“It’s not just taking a video or a photo and laughing about it later and making fun of someone, it has life-altering and truthfully life-ruining consequences,” said Jillian Scheidegger.

Scheidegger is a criminal defense attorney who is not involved in this investigation. She says these cases are far more common than you’d think, especially in the age of social media.

“Do you think most high school students realize that sharing these videos is considered a crime?” TMJ4 reporter Ben Jordan asked.

“No, I think a lot of kids are very cavalier when it comes to this type of content being shared,” “she said. “People don’t think of it in the same lens or the same seriousness that they do traditional child pornography-type images, but it is. It’s one in the same.”

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These laws are like a parent beating a child with their fist for the child’s own “good”.

Isn’t it funny how the State can change the law, aka age of consent, to charge someone with a crime but that age of consent law is rigidly and mechanically applied if the “victim” is underage and even consented to whatever act occurred. If the State can try an individual as an adult for a crime at say age 13 then the age of consent in that state should be 13. There is no way to explain how an underage individual can conceive and commit a crime but not be able to logically say they want to have sex or make a video or whatever.
The double standard has to stop! Either an underage person is underage, whether committing a crime or being a “victim”, or they are not.

You’re an adult or a child depending on what fits the governments narrative. Joining an adult website, you’re a baby who doesn’t know what you’re doing. But if you’re 14 and take nude selfies, you’re an adult who should’ve known better than to produce child porn.

The more today’s young people are caught up in the net of the current sex offense hysteria, the better for our cause in the long run. When enough people have a taste of how we have to live, they will lose their appetite for it (hopefully).

When society finally wakes up and separates a person’s identity from their past behavior, we will all be better off for it.

“It’s not just taking a video or a photo and laughing about it later and making fun of someone, it has life-altering and truthfully life-ruining consequences,” said Jillian Scheidegger.”

“And, to prove our point, we’re going to ruin and completely destroy your lives!”

Maybe a bit off topic, but I’d like to have a word with all those concerned parents who worry that their innocent child is going to be corrupted by reading pornographic library books.

Eventually the majority of adults and children will be on the registration for the safety of the children.. Making the group of 2nd class citizens (with rights stripped with no second chance) to grow and be abused by the rest of society…